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Students enjoyed their first DJ workshop this week! Contact the music department if your child would like this opportunity. pic.twitter.com/3nxmgSOr2D

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Mr Carter with two of our end of term reward winners. The pupils were randomly selected from all those that consistently displayed our core values of determination, confidence, and respect. pic.twitter.com/jsjR9plp45

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In 6 weeks, LMTO taught over 30 student whom had never picked up an instrument before and transformed them into musicians. The finale of was a concert with our MHA orchestra performing alongside musicians from the West End! A huge thank you to and pic.twitter.com/uvFI6SnVnj

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Now accepting gifts, non-perishable Christmas food & toys or games which are complete in great condition. Donations to Main Reception. Thank you in advance and if we can support you & family do reach out. We are not here to judge, only to help and support you all. Ms Morgan. DSL. pic.twitter.com/rUnOlOX5D4

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The final evening of Butler's Bake-off 2024 is about to start..https://t.co/vyK6dCsuW7 pic.twitter.com/DpGnEvY3Ui

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It's the final night of Butler's Bake-off. pic.twitter.com/T9AhU2p3Zk

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Great team photo from the WESSA cross-country event. pic.twitter.com/FjhRt3RO8u

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As today is one of the biggest sale days of the year we are cutting ticket prices by 50%. So grab your tickets for a fun night. If you’ve already bought tickets we have refunded the difference. We look forward to seeing you there! pic.twitter.com/EEKEGP06uo


There's still time to purchase your tickets for PTFA family Christmas quiz taking place on Thursday 28 November from 6.30pm. Bring your own alcohol (over 18’s). Snacks and soft drinks available to buy, along with some great raffle prizes. Tickets available on ParentPay.

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Working with the London Musical Theatre Orchestra has started. pic.twitter.com/rQtv9NOHFX

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And the winner is ...https://t.co/bGO8u3GyN4

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Working with the London Musical Theatre Orchestra has started. pic.twitter.com/dtTWVh9r5T

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Outstanding Education

Supporting primary and secondary schools across Essex and North & East London, BMAT is a growing multi-academy trust with a singular vision: schools, teachers and pupils freed to succeed.

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Local Governing Board

We are delighted to have the following Governors on board. The team are highly motivated and ready to take on the challenge of supporting and challenging us in our journey.

To contact the Governors please email via office@markhallacademy.org

Please mark your email FAO the Governing Body.


Register of Interests

Name and appointment Confirmed Organisation Type of interest Notes From To
Name: David Arora
Appointment: community
Term of office start: 01/02/2022
Term of office end: 31/01/2026
Appointed by: - 



Tenactity Business Solutions Director Company owner. Two children attending FHS 01/01/2015 -



Tenactity Business Solutions Director Company owner. Two children attending FHS 01/09/2021 -



Tenactity Business Solutions Parent of  a year eleven child Parent Elected Governor and company director who has made several gifts and cash donations to Forest Hall School 18/09/2017 -



Tenactity Business Solutions Director We have made several donations to the school and offered to visit the school to discuss a "real business" to GCSE students 01/04/2023 30/06/2027
Name: Matt Carter
Appointment: academy principal
Term of office start: -
Term of office end: -
Appointed by: - 



BMAT Employee I am currently an employee of Forest Hall BMAT school as Headteacher 04/01/2021 -
Name: Anita Cumberland
Appointment: trust governor
Term of office start: 30/09/2024
Term of office end: 29/09/2028
Appointed by: Trust

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Linda Doran
Appointment: trust governor
Term of office start: 02/10/2023
Term of office end: 01/10/2027
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Sara Jabar
Appointment: staff
Term of office start: 16/03/2024
Term of office end: 15/03/2028
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Leonie Jospeh
Appointment: trust governor
Term of office start: 12/12/2022
Term of office end: 11/12/2026
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Dee Sexton
Appointment: trust governor
Term of office start: 01/09/2024
Term of office end: 31/08/2028
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Katie Spencer
Appointment: community
Term of office start: 30/09/2024
Term of office end: 29/09/2028
Appointed by: - 
Not Confirmed - - - - -
Name: Claire Stokes 
Appointment: parent
Term of office start: 30/04/2022
Term of office end: 29/04/2026
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -
Name: Ashley Ward
Appointment: community
Term of office start: 03/03/2021
Term of office end: 02/03/2025
Appointed by: - 

Nothing to Declare:


- - - - -

Ashley Ward - Chair

As well as a parent of children that have attended Mark Hall School, Ashley has been a Learning, Development & Management Consultant for over 20 years, working with small businesses, multi-national organisations and Government Departments, including DfE. 

Ashley has a passion for learning, is a national STEM ambassador and is also involved in local level and County-wide grassroots football for both Youth and Veterans and nation representative teams. 

Matt Carter - Headteacher


Helena Mills CBE - Trust CEO and Accounting Officer

Trust CEO and Accounting Officer

Claire Stokes - Parent Governor

Parent Governor

David Arora - Community Governor

Community Governor

David Martin – Trust Governor

I had previously served as a Governor at Mark Hall Academy working with current leadership team. I have been fortunate enough to work with fantastic staff, students and fellow Governors in support of our children. Since the re-implementation of the Local Governing Body, I have been fortunate enough to be invited back with the aim to continue development opportunities within the academy for the staff and your children and provide a safe working environment for all.

I have been a serving Essex Police Officer since 1992, working locally in and around the Harlow area, so I have a wide knowledge of some of the issues facing your leadership team at Mark Hall Academy. My aim is to make you as parents, the staff and the pupils proud of who they are, what they can achieve, help them be the best that they can be, through positivity, experience and enthusiasm. Previously I have given career development talks and shared my personal experiences competing in long distance sporting events, about the power of positivity.

I am a firm believer that ‘Anything is Possible’

Karen Laidley - Community Governor

Community Governor

Andy Chapman - Parent Governor

Parent Governor

Leonie Joseph - Community Governor

Community Governor

Linda Doran - Trust Governor

Trust Governor (as of Monday 4th September)

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