CFL Consequence Steps
Consequences system – The stepped approach.
Both Learning Tutors and teachers are the first stage in the stepped approach to dealing with inappropriate behaviour during Home Group Time or around the academy at break and lunch times or in lessons. They are also the key people in creating the right environment for learning; they set the tone and the standard by shaping learning that is engaging and meaningful. If a student is failing to meet the expectations of the academy, we aim to ensure we are all CONSISTENT in following the Culture for Learning steps (see below). By creating a ‘Culture for learning’ we will not only reduce the incidents we have, but ensure student progress is at the forefront of our discussions.
An overview of the Consequence System
Key Roles:
- Students – To take responsibility for their learning.
- Parents/Carers – To support the academy in ensuring their son/daughter attends, engages and to be a key partner in raising achievement.
- Attendance/EWO – To monitor, evaluate and review students’ attendance and punctuality.
- Learning Tutors/Subject teachers – At the heart of CfL, they are the first stage and will prove a key factor in delivering successful learning through the Home Group curriculum.
- Heads of Faculty – ‘Learning comes first’: HoFs will lead and manage their curriculum area, staff and their students. They need to follow the consequence system and monitor their faculty and provide training/guidance to ensure a successful climate for learning in the classroom.
- Pupil Welfare Officers – To develop our Culture for Learning by ensuring that barriers to achievement are removed/minimised so that students are in lessons and learning. Any welfare issues will be dealt with promptly and appropriately.
- Head of Year – To monitor, evaluate and review students’ CfL with regard to data, progress and achievement and liaise with parents/carers, ALT and HoDs.
- Inclusion/Learning Hub – To ensure students get high quality and appropriate support so that learning and progress is maximised.
- Assistant Principal – To oversee and line manager key staff to ensure CfL is both successful, sustainable and that we have clear and measurable outcomes that show good impact on achievement
- Academy Leadership Group – To monitor, evaluate and review CfL at all times.