Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes
It is everyone’s responsibility to develop a positive and aspirational culture for learning where children are happy and can thrive in their learning. In raising standards, it is crucial that:
- We create a climate for learning built on inclusion; this facilitates student achievement across the Academy.
- We provide a safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment.
- We provide a framework for rewards and sanctions that is communicated clearly to staff, students and parents/carers and is applied consistently across the academy.
- We have clear systems in place for the identification of need and a range of strategies available for early intervention so as to reduce the risk of poor progress, fixed term or permanent exclusion.
- We have our own Education Welfare officer and Attendance officer to ensure students are both attending and punctual to the Academy/lessons.
- We continue to develop the Achievement Support Team (including the Learning Hub provision) to ensure PDBW and culture for learning is continues to be successful
Learning Walks.
These learning walks focus on the quality of learning, teaching and achievement and ‘teaching typicality’. Learning walks are conducted every period of every day by middle and senior leaders.
PDBW half termly report and MER.
The half termly review of PDBW ensures rapid Monitoring, Evaluation and Review (MER) and follow up actions through key staff/agencies to support the raising achievement at the Academy