School Performance
Mark Hall Academy's performance on the DfE website
Exam Results Day 2019
Mark Hall Academy was privileged to share student’s joy when collecting their GCSE results this August. Both the 2019 and 2020 cohorts collected results as it was the first year that students in Year 10 sat GCSE examinations. The Year 11 cohort showed grit and determination in their approach to the vast number of GCSE examinations taken and were rewarded by achieving more top grades than ever before in German, Science, Spanish, Drama and Music.
Top achievers in Year 11 were: Jessica Steel, Paige Coney-Shaw, Sebastian Macrai, Euan Barrett, Jerem Lenin, Savanna Sirkett, Anais Treadwell, Bryony-Ann Roberts, Harrison Myers, Jasmine Smith and Hollie Cobie.
The Year 10 cohort have honed their revision skills and achieved top grades in English Literature, Art, Physical Education and Statistics.
Susan Byles, Regional Education Director, Academy Transformation Trust said:
“I would like to congratulate the students and their teachers for working hard, whilst facing many challenges this year, to achieve some strong individual results in a range of subjects. Mark Hall Academy is entering a new phase and will shortly be moving in to a brand new building. The newly established leadership team are working hard to develop and strengthen the academy in the future and we are looking forward to seeing the impact of their work in the next phase of Mark Hall’s educational journey.”
Exam Results 2018
At Mark Hall Academy we’re proud of the success of our students. We believe that we create a climate in which all students can achieve and we provide the motivation for continuing the drive for better and higher standards in order to prepare them well for the next stage in their lives. When our students leave us, we know they’ll be well equipped for achieving yet more success.
Key Stage 4
The number of pupils achieving higher grades continues to improve in the context of new national measures and examinations that are more difficult. 2018 continued to see a rise in the number of higher grades awarded, including 12 grade 7-9 in Mathematics, and 9 grade 7-9 in English
In English, 62% of pupils achieved a grade 4 – 9 (equivalent C grade or above) and in Mathematics 70% achieved a grade 4 -9.
18% of our students achieved the EBacc suite of qualifications, which includes English, mathematics, two sciences, a modern foreign language and a humanities’ subject.
We are very proud that our students successfully secure places in education, employment or training when they leave us.
GCSE Results Summary
2015-16 | 2016-17 | *2017-18 | 2018-19 | |
A*-C English and Maths combined | 51% | 52% | 57% | 16% |
Attainment 8 Score | 45.71 | 42.83 | 40.93 | 33.3 |
Progress 8 score | -0.08 | +0.22 | -0.44 | -1.9 |
% achieving the Ebacc | 8% | 18% | 18% | 11% (43% of cohort entered) |
*2017/18 – Introduction of the reformed 9-1 GCSEs in all other subjects.
Validated Education, Employment and Training after Key Stage 4
Destinations % | 2015 /16 | 2016 /17 | 2017 /18 | 2018/19 |
Overall sustained education, employment or training | 89% | 93% | 93% | 92% |
% Sustained Education | 83% | 87% | 86% | 80% |
% Sustained Employment/Training | 6% | 6% | *NYR | 4% |
% No Sustained Employment/Training | 9% | 7% | *NYR | 6% |
% Apprenticeships | 8% | 9% | *NYR | 8% |
Unknown | 2% | 0% | *NYR |
*Not yet recorded