Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.
At Mark Hall Academy we believe that all pupils deserve access to Quality First teaching. We fully embrace the idea that provision for pupils with special educational needs is a matter for the school as a whole. Our aim is to ensure that all pupils, whatever their need or disability, make good progress through both pastoral and curriculum support.
The SEND department has a number of highly committed staff, which includes the SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo and Teaching Assistants (TAs).
To ensure high quality support, TAs work to ensure that pupils who have SEND needs have the support and tools they need to become well-rounded pupils.
The SEND department works with parents, carers, teachers and outside agencies to ensure that pupils realise their potential to achieve, giving them in the best possible learning environment appropriate to the student’s needs and ability.
For pupils with literacy and numeracy difficulties we provide support through the Fresh Start programme, MYTUTOR and LEXIA Power-up. For pupils with SEMH needs we provide bespoke counselling sessions. At lunch time we provide a quiet, calm environment in our sensory space for pupils who prefer to spend time away in peace and quiet.
Parents are encouraged to maintain a close working partnership with the school to support their children with special educational needs to achieve their best.
Victoria Butler
Key Members of staff to contact:
SENDCo - Victoria Butler (maternity leave)
SENDCo - Dee Sexton
Assistant SENDCos – Emily Beldam and Daisy Burns
SEND Administrator- Mandie Harries
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Yasamin Morgan
Link Governor for SEND - Petal Joseph
Heads of Year - Teresa Parker, Rob Treamer, Grant Butler, Nathan Hoole-Jackson, Paulette Tovey
Progress Welfare Officers - Martine Warwick, Shalani Maragh-MacPherson, Sarah Beldam, Brooke Smith, Migle Banyte, Rosina Gleed
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)