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GCSE Results
Posted: 12th August 2021A strong work ethic from students during the pandemic has resulted in young people today collecting GCSE results to be proud of.
Today, Year 11 students received their long-awaited GCSE results – with 64 per cent of students achieving five or more top grades 9 to 4.
For the second year running, the traditional external exams were cancelled and students instead graded on a combination of in-school assessments, work already completed and coursework.
Despite the challenges of lockdown and remote learning, more than 90 per cent of students studying French, Spanish, resistant materials or statistics achieved a grade 4 or higher, while 50 per cent of students who took history, citizenship, sociology, French, Spanish, resistant materials or statistics came away with a grade 5 or higher.
Principal Manjit Hazle said: “It has been an incredibly tough and stressful year for all students. However, they should be very proud of what they have achieved today.
“We hope the results today will enable all to progress on their learning journey and for them to continue to be the successful students we know they are.
“The results today reflect the determination, resilience and the strong work ethic shown by students.
“We are so proud of each and every one of them and thank parents for their support during the lockdown periods.”
The school joined the BMAT Education family of schools in January and work quickly began to improve standards and outcomes.