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New teachers achieve higher results
Posted: 6th September 2022The arrival of new teachers resulted in students achieving higher GCSE grades than they thought possible.
As Year 11 students returned to collect their results, they were quick to praise the work that has taken place at the school since it joined the BMAT family in January 2021.
The first major impact from the academy Trust was to make it possible for all students to work remotely from home for the first time since the start of the pandemic a year before.
Other changes included a focus on the core subjects of English, maths and science and work by a welfare officer to help students who were struggling to attend school.
Among those who felt the improvements was Bebe Jackson, from Harlow, who said she was “off the rails” before BMAT took responsibility for the school.
She said: “I was just a rebellious teenager in Year 10. I had attitude. Nothing caused it, I just went off the rails.
“I felt the change from BMAT, especially. I got back on track and focused on my GCSEs in Year 11. The change of teachers helped.”
This week, she surpassed her expectations of getting grade 4 in her core subjects, instead picking up grade 5 in English, maths and science. She also achieved a grade 4, a grade 3 and a Distinction*.
She is now heading to fellow BMAT school BMAT STEM Academy to study biology and applied science.
For Adam Mitchell, he believes he would not have achieved as highly as he did without the arrival of new teachers.
Adam, from Harlow, achieved two grade 7, three grade 6 and one grade 5. He is going on to sixth form to study psychology, sociology and business.
He said: “I was just relieved to get my results. I am happy it is all over and that we now have a bit of clarity over the future. Looking at the news, there were articles saying get ready to be disappointed, so I was so surprised at how well I had done.
“The new teachers who arrived during Year 10 and 11 were a big help. I never would have got a grade 7 in science without my science teacher from BMAT; no way I would have got that. They were more personal with you; they were not just your teacher, they tried to connect with you and get along, so you then wanted to work for them.”