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Wellbeing champion takes care of school
Posted: 16th February 2021The wellbeing of our whole school community is being taken care of with a package of initiatives.
The majority of students and teachers at Mark Hall Academy are working remotely while schools are partially closed during lockdown.
To ensure the mental health and wellbeing of both adults and children are a priority, the school has a wellbeing champion to provide support.
Initiatives include –
- Wellbeing Wednesday for staff – a whole staff briefing focusing on wellbeing. The latest meeting had a focus on disturbed sleep, giving techniques for staff to try, including writing lists before bedtime to clear their head of worries and getting up to read if laying away for more than 20 minutes to break the association between bed and inability to sleep
- Wellbeing Wednesday for students – a whole school PSHE lesson focusing on wellbeing. The latest lesson looked at screen time and being able to distinguish between helpful and unhelpful screen time, as well as suggested non-screen time creative activities
- A monthly staff health and wellbeing newsletter – covers various items each month based around the wellbeing calendar. This month, information will be shared on National Heart Month, Time to Talk (Mental Health) and National Random Acts of Kindness. Staff are encouraged to get involved, with photos showing their achievements in the next newsletter
- Weekly wellbeing call – every family receives a wellbeing phone call every week to check how they are coping with lockdown
Teresa Parker, wellbeing champion, said: “Due to us listening to our staff and being proactive, we have provided a weekly wellbeing, mind reset and support framework to staff.
“The newsletter started last lockdown as a way of communicating wellbeing information and sharing experiences, so we all feel connected as a community. It continued when we returned as it was so popular.
“The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of good mental health, especially in our current climate.”